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Education in the UK and the British Edge
The education system of the UK is a result of hundreds of years of evolution, passing through series of rigorous quality checks and improvements. The government has made education compulsory for its citizens aged between five and sixteen, making UK one of the most educated nations in the world. Primary and secondary education is provided both by state funded and private schools. However, it is the higher education sector that draws attention of the world. Hundreds of thousands of international students join British universities for higher education. Thousands of students also go to colleges and universities in the UK for a semester or a term under Student exchange or study abroad programs.
With over 150 universities, the UK virtually offers any type of course of study available in the world. From the famous PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) at Oxford to Global Innovation Management at University of Strathclyde, UK has it what you need to succeed in your dream career. Some popular courses among Indian students studying in the UK are Accountancy, Business Management, Art and Architecture, Design, Tourism and Hotel Management, Engineering, Medicine and Biotechnology. Critical thinking and student-centred learning opportunities are the hallmarks of British education. A unique feature of studying in the UK is the availability of opportunity to pursue relatively shorter and intense degrees compared to many other destination countries for studying overseas. The intense course work not only reduces total cost of education but also prepares graduates to take work pressure which in turn helps them deal with challenging professional times in future. While the universities maintain a higher quality of education through well-established system of external examiners and professional inspecting bodies, students still get personal mentoring from academic advisers, tutors and learning resource centres. The career offices in most of the campuses keep students updated on employability trends and job-oriented skills through seminars, career fairs and industrial dialogues. International students get special attention through various support schemes which address issues related to language skills and adapting to new culture and environment.